In the cigar world, there’s probably no name more synonymous with “luxury” than Davidoff’s. Davidoff of Geneva’s Madison Avenue store is a nationwide flagship for the brand, and it offers all the “good life” you’d expect from this brand and this location. The shop, which has been in its current location for less than three years, just celebrated its 25th anniversary — in part — with the release of a special 25th Anniversary Davidoff cigar.
“What makes it different is it’s made from seven different aged tobaccos. It’s a toro size and it’s just an exceptionally different blend from any other blends that we’ve made. Any time we make an anniversary or a limited edition, it’s a tobacco that’s totally different from any of the standard ones that we have in our shop,” said assistant general manager Robert Seise.
The shop also has what Seise calls a “boutique within the boutique,” which offers high-end accessories (this is a Dupont distributor for the New York area) and men’s gifts.
Davidoff of Geneva
515 Madison Ave ( Midtown )