Cigar Snob Magazine Jan/Feb 2015
What’s in this magazine
In this issue’s travel section, we visited Palm Beach County to explore everything the South Florida good life haven has to offer. There are plenty of quality cigar shops, bars, and restaurants to visit while you light up one of your favorite stogies. The Palm Beach area is also known for its golf; there’s even a road named for the PGA. Whether you’re a scratch golfer or just like to pretend while you’re on vacation, you’ll enjoy the PGA National Resort and Spa.

We also had a chance to sit down with Geoffrey Zakarian, who you know from a slew of successful restaurants, as well as TV shows like Iron Chef America and Chopped. In a piece titled The Geoffrey Experience, we got into his love of entertaining, food, family, and cigars. If you’re ever in New York City, visit The Lambs Club, where he’s the executive chef. Check out story for five hidden gems he recommends you try in the Big Apple.
You might be wondering whether recent changes to U.S.-Cuba policycan lead to better things for Cubans — both on the island and abroad. In Midnight in Havana, we take those changes as an opportunity to examine a few of the things that have stayed the same over the last half century or so on the Communist-ruled island.
There’s definitely something alluring about polo — the sport of kings, as some call it. But do you have any idea what’s happening when you watch a game? In case you’ve ever wondered what polo is and how it’s played, we’ve created a detailed infographic explaining the basics to bring you up to speed. After all, a visit to Palm Beach County wouldn’t be complete without some equestrian sports.

Why the crash course in polo? Because this month’s models are hitting the greens and swinging their polo clubs. Briley Hale and Caleb Callahan, withDavidoff Nicaraguas in hand, served as our models against the beautiful backdrop of the Grand Champions Polo Club.
Our cover model, Joy Corrigan, graces our pages underneath the South Florida sun. A Davidoff Winston Churchill has never looked so good.
Last, but not least, this includes our list of the Top 25 cigars of 2014. If you still haven’t seen it, that list is available right here. Take look and let us know what you thought of the cigars we chose in the ranking.
Grab your favorite cigar and light it up while you flip through this issue of Cigar Snob, then tell us what you think by writing us at [email protected].
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