J.C. Newman announces its Personal Reserve Program, allowing cigar fans to create their own personal blends or select from a staff blend. J.C. Newman will hand roll these cigars at its El Reloj cigar factory in Tampa. After aging, these select cigars will be wrapped with custom cigar bands and packed in personalized leather cabinet humidors.
J.C. Newman has curated a selection of 24 cigar tobaccos from nine countries from its tobacco library. Cigar connoisseurs can use them to create millions of unique cigar blends. Custom blended cigars are offered in a package of four leather cabinet humidors containing a total of 80 custom cigars for a total price of $2,400. Cigars rolled with a staff blend are available in a leather cabinet humidor containing 20 cigars with custom bands for $500.
Creating a custom-blended cigar begins with an in-person or virtual consultation with a master blender who will guide the cigar connoisseur in creating a personal blend. J.C. Newman will prepare the luxury cigar tobaccos selected, and a master roller will hand roll them. The cigars will be aged in El Reloj’s underground aging room to the customer’s specifications. Lastly, they will be wrapped with custom cigar bands and packed in personalized leather cabinet humidors. Throughout this journey, J.C. Newman will share photos documenting the creation of these special cigars. From start to finish, the process will take at least six months.
The program is limited to 10 participants per month. For more information, visit J.C. Newman’s Personal Reserve Program website or create your own custom blend virtually with J.C. Newman’s unique online Blending Tool.
“This is the ultimate holiday gift for cigar aficionados,” fourth-generation owner Drew Newman said in a press release. “As cigar makers, it is a privilege and pleasure to create new blends using the best tobaccos in the world. I have met so many wonderful and passionate cigar enthusiasts, and I want to offer them the opportunity to do the same.”