Online cigar subscription service Stogiebird announces its Halloween-themed cigar selections for the 2023 season. Stogiebird has collaborated with Padilla Cigar Co. to bring patrons a lineup of eight cigars. As part of the series, Stogiebird has introduced AI-generated bands to enhance the visual appeal of these limited-edition cigars.
The Stogiebird Halloween cigar selections feature a Circus Freak theme, paying homage to the wonders of the big top. Each cigar in this collection boasts a distinct personality, including the commanding Ringmaster, the two-headed woman, the mysterious fortune teller, the enchanting tattooed lady, the daring sword swallower, the captivating wolfgirl, the mesmerizing snake charmer, and the resilient strong girl.
Adding a touch of modern technology to the collection, Stogiebird has utilized AI technology to generate the cigar bands.
Stogiebird is offering these Halloween-themed cigars exclusively to their subscribers. For more information, please visit