Industrial Cigar Co. in Frisco, Texas, has put together a collaboration with application-based food delivery service DoorDash to offer cigar delivery.
The service will deliver premium cigars along with accessories including cutters, lighters, and butane. The relationship will become more comprehensive later this year when Industrial opens its expanded storefront to include the aviation-themed Fuselage Parlor & Kitchen. DoorDash will be able to deliver food and beverages along with the cigars.
“It’s intimidating to walk into a cigar lounge for the first time, but we can now reach cigar smokers of all levels where they’re most comfortable, right at home,” Brandon Frakes, co-owner of the family-owned Industrial and Fuselage, said in a press release. “To boost the cigar industry to the level we believe we can achieve, we must modernize our approach of reaching new audiences.”
The delivery service is available beginning July 24.
See DoorDash’s tobacco delivery policies here.