The first installment of CST Consulting’s docuseries, Smoke Signals, is available at the Privada Cigar Club YouTube channel, taking viewers on a trek to Peru with Master Blender Claudio Sgroi. The series will evolve as he travels to various tobacco locations in the world and adds some adventure to the journey in the process.
Episode one features Sgroi in Peru navigating his way through the birthplace of tobacco while consulting with Shamans and ex-cocaine manufacturers while working with legendary tobacco grown only in the Amazonian region of San Martin.
“I am extremely proud to create what I feel is the best video content ever created in the premium cigar industry,” Sgroi said in a press release. “This is exactly the type of project that needs to be worked on during times where the premium cigar industry desperately needs to get back to the history and beginning of tobacco itself, to showcase the essence of it. Join me on the best cigar journey anyone has ever taken on film.”
The docuseries is directed by Thomas Bowerbank with music composed by Ruggiero Mascellino.