The Ventura Cigar Company announces the Slaughterhouse: The Operator, a cigar package produced in collaboration with Operation: Cigars for Warriors.
A new blend in the Slaughterhouse line, The Operator is a 6 x 50 Toro Nicaraguan puro. The Operator, produced at the Plasencia factory in Nicaragua, comes in 10-count bundles, with profits benefiting Cigars for Warriors. The bundles will include a postcard about CFW’s mission and a limited-edition decal featuring The Operator artwork. The cigar will be available in May and distributed exclusively through Phillips & King. It will be available to retailers who have been approved by Cigars for Warriors as a designated donation center.
Retailers can request to sign up as a donation center at
Retailers can sign up for an account with Phillips & King at
Cigars for Warriors is a non-profit that partners with over 500 cigar shops and other establishments nationwide to supply deployed troops with premium cigars.