BLEND Bar and Davidoff Cigars have launched a branded premium cigar, the BLEND Exclusive Salomones.
The five-year partnership between the esteemed Davidoff and the BLEND cigar bar has produced a cigar in a striking 8.5 x 57 size and is available exclusively at BLEND locations.
The wrapper of the BLEND Exclusive Salomones comes from a mineral-rich region exclusive to Davidoff Cigars. It is blended and handmade by Davidoff master blenders to ensure the color, construction, aromas and taste experience meet the quality standards.
“Every detail and aspect of this exclusive cigar was poured over by BLEND and Davidoff professionals to ensure a proper pairing with some of the finest bourbons, whiskeys and scotches in the world which are featured by BLEND,” BLEND co-founder Corey Johnson said in a press release.
There are four BLEND lounges, located in Indianapolis, Nashville, Pittsburgh, PA and the Houston suburb of The Woodlands.
In October 2015, BLEND and Davidoff of Geneva USA announced their partnership in a deal that includes BLEND access to Davidoff’s early releases and those found only at the Davidoff of Geneva, 1911 stores.