Davidoff of Geneva
Brand ambassadors, Klass Kelner and Jeff Stone, will be leading Davidoff’s complimentary cigar tasting seminars. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak all events have been paused until further notice, but Davidoff wanted to engage with consumers and provide a way for them to experience premium cigars.
“Offering online cigar seminars allows us to connect with our customers during this period where many of us are seeking enjoyment while being at home. We invite cigar aficionados to fill their time beautifully with our cigar seminars that will provide an educational and valuable cigar experience, following a similar structure of our in-person events,” says Lana Fraser, Head of Marketing of Davidoff Americas.
The first seminar will take place on Tuesday April 7th at 8pm EST on Facebook live (@davidoffgeneva). Stone and Kelner will be guiding viewers through a tasting and history of the Davidoff Winston Churchill series. If you do not have any of these in your possession you can visit Davidoffgeneva.com to purchase Winston Churchill and Winston Churchill – The Late Hour cigars. If you make a $100 purchase, you will get free shipping and Davidoff will give you a Winston Churchill passport to go along with the tasting.
For more information please visit Davidoffgeneva.com.