A Churchill Joins the Cause of Cigar Rights
One cannot even hear the name Winston Churchill, without having an immediate vision of the former Prime Minister with a cigar. He embodied the symbol of strength and resolve in time of war and peace, held an unyielding commitment to liberty and democracy, all while a cigar was never more than an arm’s reach from his pen or pistol.
Now, his legacy continues with Randolph L S Churchill, the great-grandson of Winston Churchill. At a recent event in New York City, hosted by CRA corporate benefactor Davidoff, USA, Randolph Churchill accepted a Lifetime Membership in Cigar Rights of America, and embraced the cause of promoting the work and mission of CRA. He stated,
“It is difficult to think of my great-grandfather, Winston Churchill without a cigar. His love for great cigars spanned a lifetime, and he enjoyed them wherever he was, whether at home painting, or on the battlefield. I imagine he would be sad to find his enjoyment of them curtailed by regulation. I am proud to now be called a Lifetime Member of Cigar Rights of America, and would hope that all who share this noble indulgence can recognize that enjoying a cigar is truly a moment to enjoy one’s own liberty.”
Winston Churchill stands above all others as the consummate cigar enthusiast. His passion for cigars was personal, symbolic, and stood as a testament to his desire for the finer things in life. He always knew that if he could share a cigar, meal and glass of brandy or port with a friend or even adversary, he could get his way, create a new ally, or solidify a friendship. That, is truly the essence of great cigars. We are proud to have Randolph L S Churchill to lend his name to the cause of Cigar Rights of America, and indeed, our global commitment to preventing irreparable harm to this great industry.
We are deeply grateful to Davidoff for facilitating this display of support, and to Randolph Churchill for joining the cause of Cigar Liberty.