When Davidoff initially launched the Davidoff Nicaragua in mid-2013, it was an absolute game changer for the company. It shattered every notion about what a Davidoff cigar was and could be. The black and silver label was a stark departure from the time-honored white and gold that has graced Davidoff cigars since the late 1960s. But they didn’t stop at branding and packaging. The blend itself was a Nicaraguan puro, again blowing up the status quo. Up to this point, Davidoffs had only ever been identified as either Cuban (prior to 1991) or Dominican.
By early 2014, the Davidoff Nicaragua was among the hottest new cigars on the market, even earning the coveted Cigar of the Year designation by this publication. So when they recently sent us the Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed with a corresponding survival kit, we put it to use ASAP. The kit consisted of six of the new cigars, a tactical flashlight, a compass, and a two-cigar case/bottle opener. We picked up three 22-oz. bottles of Rogue’s Dead Guy Ale and a tent and hit the trail!
“Why Rogue Dead Guy Ale? Why not!?” It is one of our all-time favorite beers to pair with Nicaraguan cigars and in this 10th anniversary issue we couldn’t afford to mess around. The pairing had to work.
The Pairing
The Davidoff Nicaragua blend was tweaked for the box-pressed version, which is to our knowledge the first ever box-pressed Davidoff. The new blend has increased spice and strength; both are features that aided this pairing greatly.
The Rogue is rich and toasty with a heavy dose of malt, caramel, and dark fruit. The hops are substantial but the beer is so beautifully balanced that you never get the sense that you’re “hopped out.” The beer’s rich and sweet characteristics marry perfectly with the cigar’s pepper, earth, and spice. As you continue the pairing, flavors of nuts and citrus come in, adding complexity and depth. It is a fantastic complementary pairing that you won’t want to end.